Louisiana SSN Trace

Navigating the Complexities of Criminal Background Checks with Global Data Fusion


In today's fast-paced world, the accuracy of background checks is more crucial than ever. Global Data Fusion, headquartered in Lafayette, LA, stands at the forefront of delivering precise and comprehensive criminal background checks.

Navigating the Complexities of Criminal Background Checks with Global Data Fusion2023-12-18T14:12:03-06:00

LA Statute Changes the Rules on Hiring


Section 23:291.2 - Criminal history; hiring decisions A. Unless otherwise provided by law, when making a hiring decision, an employer shall not request or consider an arrest record or charge that did not result in a conviction, if such information is received in the course of a background check.

LA Statute Changes the Rules on Hiring2023-01-28T16:50:50-06:00
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