Drug testing is a critical tool that organizations use to ensure the safety and productivity of their employees. In recent years, drug testing has undergone significant changes, and new trends have emerged. As we move into 2023, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest developments in drug testing to ensure that your organization remains compliant and effective in its drug testing program.

  1. Expanded Substance Testing: In 2023, organizations will be expanding the types of substances they test for. In addition to traditional drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine, organizations will be testing for newer drugs such as fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. This will help to ensure that employees are not using these dangerous drugs and to keep the workplace safe.
  2. Increased Use of Oral Fluid Testing: Oral fluid testing, which involves collecting a sample of saliva, is becoming an increasingly popular method of drug testing. In 2023, the use of oral fluid testing is expected to increase further. This is because oral fluid testing is less invasive than urine testing and can detect recent drug use more effectively.
  3. Greater Emphasis on Employee Wellness: In 2023, organizations will be placing a greater emphasis on employee wellness and treating drug addiction as a health issue rather than a disciplinary one. This will involve developing employee assistance programs and offering support to employees who test positive for drugs.
  4. Increased Use of Technology: Technology is playing an increasingly important role in drug testing. In 2023, organizations will be using more advanced technology to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drug testing programs. This may include the use of automated sample collection devices, digital data management systems, and on-site testing devices.
  5. Compliance with State Laws: In 2023, organizations will need to ensure that their drug testing programs are compliant with state laws. Some states have legalized marijuana, and organizations will need to ensure that they are not violating state laws by testing for marijuana or other drugs that are legal in certain states.

In conclusion, drug testing is a critical tool that organizations use to ensure the safety and productivity of their employees. As we move into 2023, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest developments in drug testing, including expanded substance testing, increased use of oral fluid testing, greater emphasis on employee wellness, increased use of technology, and compliance with state laws. By staying informed about these trends, organizations can ensure that their drug testing programs are effective and compliant with the latest regulations.