Hire a Company With a Proven Track Record
In a world filled with strangers, would it not be nice to know a little more about potential job candidates or tenants? Background screening has becoming vital to uncovering an individual’s true history and not just what they put on paper. You could trust cheap “instant background companies, or you could hire a company with a proven track record in providing quick and accurate data returns.
History You Can Count On
Global Data Fusion, LLC has a long history of providing accurate background screening to companies and organizations around the world. We have continued to improve our technology to provide only the highest quality background checks available. We use only cutting-edge technology to offer the most comprehensive information possible. In addition, we are proud members of the NAPBS (National Association of Professional Background Screeners).
Quick & Accurate Results
Many background screening companies take forever to deliver results. How are you supposed to make quick decisions on who to hire when results take weeks? You need to hire someone now. We understand your frustration and are here to help. We provide timely results so you can make the right decisions for your company.
Building Long-Term Relationships
If you just need us once, that’s fine. It’s our goal though to work with you one-on-one to create a long-lasting relationship. We consider our clients to be friends. Global Fusion, LLC prefers to avoid the nameless face treatment many other companies tend to practice. We get to know you and you get to know us.
A Wide Variety of Screening Services
We don’t just provide basic criminal background checks. We do those too, but we know companies need far more than that. Here’s just a portion of the products and services we offer:
Criminal Background Screening:
FMCSA/PSP Commercial Driving Records
Federal Records Checks
- Educational Reference Checks
Medical Organization Screening
Global Terrorist Watch List Screening
Tenant Screening (Eviction Searches Available):
- Credit Checks
Sex Offender Checks
Volunteer Background Screening
Louisiana Non-Licensed Medical Worker Background Screening
Social Security Verification (with address history)
Driving Records:
County/Parish Court Records Drill-down
Criminal; CivilEmployment Reference Checks
Medical Professional Background Screening
Healthcare Workers Background Screening (Nationwide)
We even provide a secure web portal, accessible 24/7, for you to view results and control the products you need. We believe by providing a wider variety of screening services, you’ll have the knowledge you need to make important decisions for your business.
The next time you need more than the basics, just think Global Data Fusion, LLC. We make sure the right person really is the right person for you.