Essential Background Checks
The healthcare industry has no choice but to conduct comprehensive background checks on prospective employees. The reason is because of the many potential negative repercussions that could arise from hiring the wrong candidate.
Here are just three examples of why background checks for Louisiana healthcare professionals are essential:
1.) Healthcare professionals are dealing with patients, and patients require the best possible care. By hiring an incompetent healthcare professional, patients’ lives are being put at risk.
2.) A dramatic rise in regulations and litigation over the years have put healthcare providers in a more vulnerable position. By hiring an incompetent healthcare worker, healthcare providers increase the likelihood of unwanted litigation.
3.) The healthcare industry provides lucrative careers and candidate pools tend to be composed of highly qualified individuals. How can a healthcare provider know unequivocally they are hiring the best candidate without having all of the information they need?
Global Data Fusion’s Louisiana Healthcare Worker Background Checks
Global Data Fusion is an authorized agent of the Louisiana State Police
- A small number of companies in the state of Louisiana are authorized by the state police to offer these types of background checks.
Global Data Fusion has the best turn around (TAT) times and pricing available.
Medical Background Checks in Louisiana are Global Data Fusions’ specialty.
Global Data Fusion is your LSP approved medical background check authorized agent.
“Louisiana Law” TITLE 40 — Public health and safety RS 40:1300.52 a. a. a. Employment of non-licensed medical personnel and licensed ambulance personnel.
Simply, the law states, that an employer shall obtain a background check
through the Louisiana State Police or its Authorized Agent for a non-licensed person or any licensed ambulance personnel offering to provide nursing care, health-related services, or supportive services to any individual.
Definition of an Authorized Agent: An “Authorized Agent” is defined as a private entity authorized by the Office of State Police (OSP) to conduct criminal history checks.
As per Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), the following is a list of the specific charges which are considered “disqualifying offenses” when applying for a non-licensed healthcare worker position in Louisiana.
solicitation for murder LA RS 14:28.1
first degree murder LA RS 14:30
second degree murder LA RS 14:30.1
manslaughter LA RS 14:31
first degree feticide LA RS 14:32.6
(assisting with) suicide LA RS 14:32.12
aggravated battery LA RS 14:34
second degree battery LA RS 14:34.1
aggravated second degree battery LA RS 14:34.7
simple battery of the infirmed LA RS 14:35.2
aggravated assault LA RS 14:37
assault by drive-by shooting LA RS 14:37.1
aggravated assault with a firearm LA RS 14:37.4
mingling harmful substances LA RS 14:38.1
aggravated rape LA RS 14:42
forcible rape LA RS 14:42.1
simple rape LA RS 14:43
sexual battery LA RS 14:43.1
second degree sexual battery LA RS 14:43.2
oral sexual battery LA RS 14.43.3
solicitation for murder LA RS 14:28.1
first degree murder LA RS 14:30
second degree murder LA RS 14:30.1
manslaughter LA RS 14:31
first degree feticide LA RS 14:32.6
(assisting with) suicide LA RS 14:32.12
aggravated battery LA RS 14:34
second degree battery LA RS 14:34.1
aggravated second degree battery LA RS 14:34.7
simple battery of the infirmed LA RS 14:35.2
aggravated assault LA RS 14:37
assault by drive-by shooting LA RS 14:37.1
aggravated assault with a firearm LA RS 14:37.4
mingling harmful substances LA RS 14:38.1
aggravated rape LA RS 14:42
forcible rape LA RS 14:42.1
simple rape LA RS 14:43
sexual battery LA RS 14:43.1
second degree sexual battery LA RS 14:43.2
oral sexual battery LA RS 14.43.3
If a prospective health worker will be working with clients under the age of 21, these charges also apply:
aggravated kidnapping of a child LA RS 14.44.2
misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile LA RS 14.80.1
molestation of a juvenile or a person with mental or physical disability LA RS 14.81.2
cruelty to juveniles LA RS 14:93
Employers may also exercise their right to refuse an offer of employment to any applicant whose background check reveals a conviction of an offense that includes the distribution of, or possession with the intent to distribute, controlled substances.
To learn about Global Data Fusion, LLC’s solutions for Healthcare Background Checks in Louisiana, feel free to contact us today at (337) 205-3007, or fill out our form at the top of this page.