Why should I drug test my employees?
Employers in any industry should consider drug screening their employees. This can occur prior to employment as part of candidate selection or throughout an employee’s time with the company. In some industries, companies are legally obligated to drug test their employees.
Increase Safety
Reduce Liability
Improve Productivity
What are the different types of drug tests?
There are many different methods for drug testing including:
If you choose to collect urine or hair follicle samples for a drug test, you will need to then consider what level of testing you require. The higher the level, or panels, the more drugs are screened. For example, the standard test is a 5 panel that tests for marijuana, cocaine, heroin, phencyclidine, and amphetamines. These tests can be expanded all the way up to a 22 panel drug screening.
Drug Testing Based on Industry
Healthcare – Employees in this industry might face stricter drug screening tests due to their constant proximity to prescription drugs.
Law Enforcement – Those in law enforcement are typically tested using a urine sample prior to becoming a cop and randomly afterwards.
State Employees – Many state employees must undergo a pre-employment drug screening as well as random drug screenings, for example school district employees. These tests are mostly submitted via hair or urine sample and are anywhere between a 5-10 panel screening.
Construction – Since these professions tend to operate heavy machinery, employers typically use a more in depth test starting at at least 9 panels.
Transportation – The DOT requires all employees that will be operating a vehicle to undergo a standard 5 panel urine drug screening. This occurs prior to employment, randomly during, and annually.
Global Data Fusion – A Compliance Specialist
For employers in any industry conducting regular drug screenings, it’s beneficial to work with a service agent or third party administrator (TPA). Global Data Fusion, LLC partners with employers to provide high-quality, efficient services. In addition to our in house compliance specialist, we are also an authorized agency of the Louisiana State Police.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.